Mr. Pisit Serewiwattana, President of Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), paid homage to the Lord Brahma statue at EXIM Thailand’s Head Office, on the first day of assuming the office as the Bank’s president on the morning of June 1, 2016.Mr. Manas Jamveha, Chairman of the Board of Directors, EXIM Thailand, on behalf of EXIM Thailand’s Directors presented congratulations flowers to Mr. Pisit Seriwiwattana, the fifth President of EXIM Thailand. In the afternoon, EXIM Thailand’s Top Management, department heads, and representatives held a welcome meeting to congratulate and meet with Mr. Pisit Serewiwattana, EXIM Thailand’s President.Mr. Pisit Serewiwattana, EXIM Thailand’s President, welcomed executives and representatives from the public and private sectors, who came to congratulate him on his assuming the office as the Bank’s president at EXIM Thailand’s Head Office.