Mr. Pisit Serewiwattana (far left), President of Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), recently welcomed Mr. Wisudhi Srisuphan (second left), Deputy Minister of Finance, who presided over the opening ceremony of Money Expo Year-End 2017, Dr. Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn (second right), Secretary General of Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), and Mr. Santi Viriyarungsarit (far right), Group Editor of Money and Banking Magazine and Chairman of the Money Expo 2017, at EXIM Thailand’s booth at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC). During the event, the Bank provides advisory and financial services as well as special promotion on working capital loan and Instant SMEs Export Insurance to help boost SMEs’ liquidity and safeguard SME exporters against non-payment from overseas buyers. Target SMEs include SME exporters and those interested in starting up or expanding export business.