Dr. Rak Vorrakitpokatorn (center), President of Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), welcomed Miss Napaporn Trivitwareegune or “DJ P’Aoy” (second right), a radio and television program host, and Miss Pichawee Mekkayai (far left), founder of iSTRONG Mental Health which is a mental health center for mental health services for individuals and families, who were invited as speakers at the launch of “Mental Health Program” for EXIM Thailand employees under the “Live, Relief & Learn” theme at EXIM Thailand’s Head Office as the onsite event joined by executives and staff members in conjunction with the online session which allowed employees from the Head Office, branches and overseas representative offices to join on March 17, 2022. The program aims to listen to employees’ mental health concerns and give them counseling on adaptation to and dealing with their stress, along with beneficial tips for empowering employees to work together and jointly building the organization as an empathic workplace that takes care of all staff members, respects differences, and makes available welfare for staff of all genders and ages including LGBT. The program implementation is anchored on the belief that all personnel are the Bank’s most valuable resource and diversity in the society is a beautiful thing. Caring for and enhancement of staff members for their higher work efficiency and well-being are crucial to the success of every organization and the country at large.