Mr. Nopporn Thepsithar (front row, third left), Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), and Mr. Kematat Saicheur (front row, second left), EXIM Thailand’s Senior Executive Vice President, recently poses for a group photo with Mr. Siriwat Vongjarukorn (front row, fourth left), Chairman of the Board of Panjaluck Pasuk Co., Ltd., and D’Luck staff on a recent visit to the D’Luck Cinematic Theatre project site in the center of Pattaya, Chonburi province. EXIM Thailand provided a 475-million-baht loan to finance the project construction and promote Thailand’s largest start-up entertaintech business, combining entertainment and technology as well as Thai values. Being on par with the world’s entertaintech standard and the first of its kind in Thailand, this innovative production will create a new tourism landmark, attracting both Thai and foreign tourists while promoting Thai cultural export.