Dr. Benjarong Suwankiri (center), Senior Executive Vice President, and Mrs. Parisa Phakdurong (far left), Executive Vice President, Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand) recently welcomed Mr. Dhadchyarbhon Abhimontejchbud (second right), Deputy Director-General of Department of Foreign Trade (DFT), Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Noppadol Utain (second left), Acting Advisor for Anti-Money Laundering Law and Measure, The Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) and Miss Supranee Satitchaicharoen (far right), Director of Cooperation and Standard Development, AMLO, at the opening ceremony of a training workshop under the Internal Compliance Program Network (ICP Network) and Internal Compliance Program In-house (ICP In-house), Class 5, at EXIM Thailand’s Head Office. The workshop aims to uplift knowledge and understanding of internal compliance system for goods, particularly dual-use items, for more than 100 exporters and importers with a view to developing Thai entrepreneurs’ international trade and investment potential and driving Thai business expansion on the global front of the Next Normal era.