EXIM Thailand Backs Thai-Lao Partnership in Sustainable Hydropower Development

Announcement date 20 December 2007
EXIM Thailand Backs Thai-Lao Partnership in Sustainable Hydropower Development
EXIM Thailand is fully prepared to provide loans and equity financing to support Thai investments in hydropower development projects in Lao PDR to promote clean energy utilization and sustainable economic advancement for both Thailand and Lao PDR. Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee (third right), Chairman of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), revealed that following a discussion with Mr. Soulivong Daravong (second right), Finance Minister of Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) during the EXIM Thailand Board of Directors’ recent visit to Lao PDR, both parties had agreed upon pursuing further cooperation in promoting dam and hydroelectric power plant construction projects in Lao PDR for mutual benefits of the two countries. Lao PDR’s hydropower development projects would enable Thailand to meet its energy needs while Lao PDR would also gain financially, socially and environmentally from fulfilling its hydropower potential through the promotion of water power development, generally considered as clean, fossil-fuel free and renewable energy.“To realize the above goals, the Bank stands ready to support Thai businesses by  means of loan extension and equity participation in their investment in Lao PDR,” saidDr. Narongchai. In addition, the EXIM Thailand Board of Directors visited the Nam Ngum 2 dam and hydropower plant construction project developed by SouthEast Asia Energy Limited (SEAN). Among SEAN shareholders are Thailand’s CH. Karnchang Public Company Limited, Ratchaburi Electricity Generating Holding Public Company Limited and Bangkok Expressway Public Company Limited as well as Lao PDR’s Electricité du Laos. Commencing construction in early 2006, the project has now reached over 40% completion with the construction of its reservoir scheduled for completion by the end of 2009 and project commissioning anticipated in 2010. The hydropower plant has an estimated power generation capacity of 2,218 GWh per year.
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