Dr. Rak Vorrakitpokatorn, President of Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), received Thailand Quality Class Plus Award in the Customer Category from Mr. Dheerayut Varnitshang, Vice Minister of Industry at the 21
st Thailand Quality Award (TQA) 2022 presentation ceremony hosted by Office of the Thailand Quality Award, Thailand Productivity Institute, Ministry of Industry at Thailand Cultural Centre, on March 22, 2023.
The recognition of EXIM Thailand with Thailand Quality Class Plus Award in the Customer Category reflects the Bank’s excellence in business management at the standard level on a par with international standards using Thailand Quality Award framework as a key tool to uplift and integrate its organizational management on a comprehensive basis. This has significantly reaffirmed EXIM Thailand’s role as the Thailand Development Bank which dares to take “One
Step Ahead for
All Development,” being fully ready to respond to its clients and stakeholders’ requirements and expectations so that all sectors would be able to adapt to and cope with any emerging changes in the Next Normal world and drive sustainable development of Thailand and global community.