Mr. Kanit Sukonthaman (center), President of Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), took a group photo with Mr. Takashi Suzuki (left), Chairman and CEO of Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) and Mr. Kiminori Iwama (right), Economic Minister, Embassy of Japan in Thailand, in a seminar titled “Expand Your Business with Effective Credit Management.” The seminar was co-hosted by EXIM Thailand and NEXI with support from Embassy of Japan in Thailand, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Bangkok and Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok and took place at EXIM Thailand’s Head Office on November 27, 2012. The seminar aimed to promote better understanding of benefits associated with export credit insurance facility. Under EXIM Thailand’s export credit insurance, Japanese entrepreneurs doing business in Thailand can expand their production and export businesses with protection against non-payment risks relating to international trade. Part of the risk borne by EXIM Thailand is ceded to NEXI as reinsurer.