EXIM for Small Biz

EXIM for Small Biz is an export credit insurance service aiming to protect SME exporters against non-payment risks. This facility is suitable for exporters with annual export values not exceeding 100 million baht. Approved CL up to 10 buyers per policy and premium starts at 600 baht with coverage at 100,000 baht per buyer. Except perishable goods (products that shelf life are less than 6 months old) such as fresh vegetables and fruits, frozen fresh foods, fresh flowers, and living things.
  1. Eligible policy holder must be SME exporters having export values not exceeding 100 million baht per year
  2. Eligible policy holder must be Thai juristic person who not have other export credit insurance policies with EXIM
  3. Coverage is available for D/P, D/A and O/A payment terms. Insurance covers more than 138 countries around the world (approved under EXIM country conditions)
  4. Coverage applies to all types of goods exported from Thailand except illegal items
  5. Terms of payment must not exceed 180 days after shipment date.
Commercial Risks
  • Buyer insolvency/bankruptcy
  • Buyer refusal to pay

Political Risks

  • Remittance of hard currency restricted or prohibited by authorities
  • New regulation prohibiting importation or terminating buyer’s import rights
  • Occurrence of war, riot, revolution or coup d’état that obstructs payment

Exclusion: Direct or indirect damage caused by

  1. A nuclear war or radioactive war; or
  2. A war occurring between any two or more of the following countries : France, People’s Republic of China, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and United States of America
70% of loss realized                                                            
Maximum Liability (ML)* Term of Payment Credit Limit per Buyer
Premium per Buyer (Baht)
baht per policy
 Non L/C
not exceed 90 days after shipment date
100,000 600
300,000 1,800
500,000 3,000
800,000 6,400
1,000,000 8,000
 Non L/C
not exeed 180 days after shipment date
100,000 1,000
300,000 3,000
500,000 5,000
800,000 9,600
1,000,000 12,000
Note : *  Approved CL up to 10 buyers per policy and Maximum Liability (ML) 3 MB per policy for company group
Commercial risks
  • Buyer insolvency/bankruptcy: immediately upon receipt of evidence
  • Buyer refusal to pay: within 120 days from the day of submitting the complete application for claim
Political risks
  • Within 120 days from the day of submitting the complete application for claim
1. Click "apply for EXIM for Small Biz" and fill the information
2. After submiting the application via online. EXIM will contact you as soon as possible
3. Exporter makes premium payment at an agreed rate

Contact for service at

EXIM Thailand’s Head Office
Insurance Business Promotion Development Department
Email : [email protected]
Tel. 0 2169 9999 ext. 3935-3944